Health Guarantee

Health Guarantee

Epic Dachshund Kennel has puppies for sale to all states across the country. All puppies purchased through Epic Dachshund Kennel are covered with at least a 30-day health guarantee. If you have questions about what is covered, please email or call for more information with regards to that, as we will be more than willing to answer to your questions.
Within ten days of purchasing your new puppy, you must take him/her to a licensed veterinarian for an examination. If the veterinarian determines, within ten days of purchase, that your dog is clinically ill or has died from an injury sustained or illness likely to have been contracted on or before the date of sale and delivery, you have the following options:

  • Return the dog for a complete refund
  • Return the dog for a replacement dog of equal value
  • Retain the dog and receive reimbursement for reasonable veterinary fees, not exceeding the purchase price
  • These options do not apply where a seller, who has provided a health certificate issued by a veterinarian, discloses in writing at the time of sale the health problem for which the buyer later seeks to return the dog.

If within 30 days of purchase, a licensed veterinarian determines that your dog has a congenital or hereditary defect which adversely affects the animal’s health or that your dog died from a congenital or hereditary defect, you have the same option as outlined above.
You must notify us of the examining veterinarian’s name, address & phone number within two days of the vet’s certification of your dog’s illness. Failure to notify the seller within five business days will result in forfeiture of rights. Each state has different laws related to the sale of a puppy; please educate yourself on the laws in the state in which you purchase your puppy.

Puppies Purchased in other States

Each state in Australia has different guidelines in regards to guaranteed health for sold puppies. For states that do not have a mandatory health guarantee in place, we cover the health of our puppies for at least 30 days. In the event that a state guideline is in place offering a guarantee longer than 30 days, that law holds precedence.
*We also offer extended guarantees on our puppies. It is not legal for us to offer a health guarantee that is not at least equal to state law. For a more detailed description of extended genetic health guarantees, read below.

Extended Genetic Health Guarantees (when offered)

  • An additional guarantee specifically covering any disease or illness that is proven to be of a genetic origin through proper veterinary examination and testing.
  • These guarantees do not cover normal veterinary costs incurred while providing general care for the puppy.
  • Proper documentation must be provided to us before any compensation being paid.
  • This guarantee does not cover any costs incurred related to injuries caused by owner negligence or accidental injury